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How does employment support work?

Work plays an important role in our lives. It is therefore important to consider how performance expectations at work make you feel and how your work leaves you feeling each day, whether it has resulted in a period of sickness absence.

Once you have attended your assessment with your therapist, you will be offered a referral to support you with any discussed employment difficulties. From the onset we will help you to initially identify and agree an employment goal, then together plan the steps needed to support you to achieve your goal. At times we may also help you to identify where you can access specialist support and advice, to help you make an informed decision on progressing your concerns.

Please note: You cannot refer directly to Employment support ALL referrals must be made via your therapist.

What is employment support?

To complement the support provided by a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, Therapist or Counsellor within VitaMinds, you can also access support from an Employment Advisor which often continues alongside your treatment.

Our support allows you to focus on your employment difficulties which may be impacting you as a result of low-mood or anxiety or directly due to your work and can help you if you are currently in work, on sickness leave or unemployed and seeking work.

Self refer

We are here to help you – self refer today and let’s get started.

How can we help

Support designed for you

User stories

Our service users have reported feeling more empowered and therefore achieving improved mental health and employment outcomes.

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Citation example

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Esteemed Individual, CEO

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Another Person, COO

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